Since we’ve noticed a relatively increased interest in our English written texts about Romanian wines, we thought to come up with some useful and also funny stuff – the pronounciation of some Romanian wine terms. We begun with the Romanian native grapes and some Romanian regions.
All the following names should be pronounced with a non-rhotic accent, such as Scottish English, meaning terminationas such as “er” should be read “ə” instead of “ər”.
Do you think we should make a video about this?
Romanian Native Grapes:
băbească neagră – ber-‘beh-ah-sker ‘neh-ah-grer
busuioacă de bohotin – boo-soo-‘yoh-ah-ker ‘dheh boh-hoh-‘tin
burgund mare – boor-‘goond ‘mah-reh
cădarcă – ker-‘dahr-ker
crâmpoşie – crim-poh-‘she-yeah (the syllabe “crim” should be read /krɨm/)
fetească albă – feh-‘teh-ah-ska ‘ahl-ber
fetească regală – feh-‘teh-ah-sker reh-‘guller
fetească neagră – feh-‘teh-ah-sker ‘neh-ah-grer
grasă de cotnari – ‘gra-ser dheh cot-‘nari
negru de drăgăşani – ‘neh-groo dheh drer-ger-‘shani
novac – noh-‘vahck
plăvaie – plehr-‘vaah-ieh
tămâioasă românească – ter-mih-yoh-‘ah-ser (the syllabe “mih” should be read /mɨ/)
zgihară – zgi-‘hurrer
Romanian Regions:
Aiud – ah-‘yood
Alba – ‘ahl-bah
Babadag – bah-bah-‘dug
Corcova –‘cor-coh-vah
Cotesti – coh-‘tesht
Cotnari – cot-‘nari
Dealu Mare – ‘deh-ah-loo ‘mah-reh
Diosig – dee-yo-‘sig
Drăgăşani – drer-ger-‘shani
Huşi – ‘hoosh
Iaşi – ‘yahsh
Istria – ‘is-tree-ah
Lechinţa – leh-‘kin-tzah
Miniş-Măderat – ‘me-nish mer-deh-raht
Murfatlar – moor-fah-‘tlahr
Nicoreşti – nee-koh-‘rehsht
Odobeşti – oh-doh-‘besht
Panciu – ‘pun-choo
Plaiurile Drâncei – ‘plah-you-ree-leh ‘drun-chay
Recaş – ‘reh-cash
Sâmbureşti – sim-boo-‘rehsht (the syllabe “sim” should be read /sɨm/)
Sarica-Niculiţel – ‘sah-ree-cah nee-cu-lee-‘tzehl
Sebeş-Apold – ‘seh-besh ‘ah-pold
Şimleul Silvaniei – shim-‘leh-ool sil-‘vah-nee-ay
Târnave – tur-‘nah-veh (the syllabe “tur” should be read /tɨr/)
Valea lui Mihai – ‘vah-leh-ah looy me-‘hi
Vânju Mare – ‘vun-juh ‘mah-reh (the syllabe “vun” should be read /vɨn/)
Below you’ll find a map with all the wine regions of Romania.
funny:)), i think it shoult be a video about this
I think we’ll do it!
stii cumva daca este vreo legatura intre Plavac (vin local din Croatia) si Plavaie?
Intre cei doi struguri nu este nici o legatura.
Plavac e un soi de strugure rosu, aparut din incrucisarea soiurilor Zinfandel (sau Crljenak Kaštelanski) si Dobričić, cultivat in Croatia.
Plavaia e un soi de strugure alb, prefiloxeric, cultivat in special in zona Vrancei.
da, clar nico legatura! nici culoare si nici zona.